Jacob Young Financial

Jacob Young Financial offers financial planning and consulting expertise from multiple locations around Santa Cruz county. I was contacted by them to replace the current print ad they were running with an updated, modernized asset to better represent them as a company.

Print / Digital Ad

The ad I created highlighted the content they specified, reflected their values of honesty, reliability and professionalism and most importantly did so though a polished, contemporary lens.


I began by researching the competitive landscape of financial consultancies. Based on my findings and the company’s previous ad, I created a new color palette to inform the revised print ad.

revised color palette

previous print ad

I presented three unique concepts to the team, encouraging them to pick and choose elements of each for future versions. I allowed up to four revised concepts before moving forward with the final.


Final Asset

The team chose elements of each design to be included in the final iteration. After a few rounds of revisions, we landed on a version everyone was happy with (as shown below).


Gimme Radio

